Websites, logos, apps, animation, art, and even architecture. Regardless of the medium, design elements are universally relevant as they help to create an effective and aesthetically pleasing final product. For example, the Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow applies several elements of design to its architecture like its bright festive colors, curved lines, and dome-like shapes. In web design, color scheme, space, line, and shape are all important elements because they can affect everything –from flow to readability.
St. Basil's Cathedral
The elements of design are the building blocks of any visual piece and they include but are not limited to, line, color, shape, texture, and space.
1. Line
Line is one of the most basic elements as it simply connects two points. It can be used to lead a viewer's eye through a space, contain areas, or break them apart visually. It also has the ability to communicate different feelings and evoke various reactions through the use of direction, weight, and or character. For example, thin diagonal lines suggest movement and give a lively feeling to a design, while bold horizontal lines project stability.
2. Color
Color can also create a mood within a piece as every color has its own meaning. If the color is warm, cool or neutral it can potentially influence how the viewer feels. For instance, the colors yellow and orange can evoke a happy cheerful feeling, while blue and green can suggest a calm and relaxing mood.
3. Shape
Conversely, the element of shape, whether it be organic or geometric, can add interest instead of emotions. Shapes are defined by boundaries of lines or color, and they are often used to emphasize other features of a design. They engage a viewer and attract attention. A circle can outline a headline, or several triangles can capture your eye.
4. Texture
Texture is an element of design that also creates contrast for interest and builds an immersive world. It defines the perception of surface quality adding richness and dimension to layouts. This includes textures such as wood or paper through the use of lines and color.
5. Space
Space is an element that does not have to be used, but when it is, it effectively adds emphasis. It allows for a viewer's eyes to rest and absorb other features of the composition, letting the underlying message of the design to be understood.
Effectively applying elements of design to any piece can make it visually pleasing and add meaning to it. So, when you go on to create your next great product, remember to consider using these 5 design elements.
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